Osservatorio Antisemitismo Report on Antisemitism in Italy

Osservatorio Antisemitismo now released the English version of its yearly report on
antisemitism in Italy. Read the full report here.

This report evinces the past year and the dramatic consequences of the October 7, 2023, attack in southern Israel and the Israeli government’s response in Gaza. Antisemitic incidents and sentiments have increased dramatically both in the online and offline worlds. October 7 has caused a trauma that is difficult to understand outside of Israel, and that has brought back memories for many Jewish people of centuries of persecution and massacres. The conflict in Gaza has reawakened antisemitism – which has been on the rise for years, as shown by the results of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) survey of Jews in the EU before October 7, 2023, which shows how difficult the situation was for Jewish communities in Europe, even before the conflict escalated. Eighty years after the horrors of the Shoah, communities, and Jews across the European Union continue to experience antisemitism and face restrictions in their Jewish lives: 96% of Jews said they had faced antisemitism in the past year and 80% said the situation had worsened in recent years. Half of the Jews who took part in the survey said they were concerned about their safety and that of their family and over 70% preferred to hide their Jewish identity.


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