National legislation
Here is an overview of hate speech laws in some of the countries where INACH has members:
Albania: Hate speech regulation in Albania
Argentina: Law N° 23.592 and Article 80(4) of the penal code in Spanish
Austria: Clause 283 of the Strafgesetzbuch on Incitement and NS-Verbotsgesetz of 1947 in German
Belgium: Hate speech legislation in Belgium in French and Dutch
Bulgaria: Hate speech legislation in Bulgaria
Croatia: Hate speech legislation in Croatia
Czech Republic: Hate speech legislation in Czech Republic (Article 352; 355; 356 in Czech and in English which can be used for online hate speech as long as judicial practice develops in order to see what is applicable since no laws tackle online hate speech/crimes specifically)
Estonia: Hate speech legislation in Estonia (Estonian Penal Code 151, prohibition of incitement to hatred in English and in Estonian)
France: Hate speech legislation in France in French
Germany: Hate speech legislation in Germany (German) §130 and §86a of the German Criminal Code. Task Force agreement against illegal online hate speech in English and in German. Act to Improve Enforcement of the Law in Social Media Networks.
Greece: Greece does not have hate speech legislation but has in an anti-racism law that criminalizes incitement and genocide denial/denigration. Yet, prosecutors usually use that incitement legislation to prosecute hate speech.
Hungary: Hate speech legislation in Hungary
Italy: Hate speech legislation in Italy
Israel: Hate speech legislation in Israel
Latvia: Hate speech legislation in Latvia (in English and Article 78 of the penal code in Latvian)
Lithuania: Hate speech legislation in Lithuania
Netherlands: Hate speech legislation in the Netherlands (in English and in Dutch)
Poland: Hate speech legislation in Poland (Article 256; 257; of the penal code in Polish and in English)
Romania: Hate speech legislation in Romania (in English and in Romanian)
Russia: Hate speech legislation in Russia (in Russian and English)
Slovakia: Hate speech legislation in Slovakia (in English and in Slovak and a list of laws that should be considered when considering if a hate crime was committed and in English and Slovak)
Spain: Hate speech legislation in Spain
United Kingdom: Hate speech legislation in the United Kingdom
United States: There are no specific federal hate speech laws. Only precedents and only clear and present danger, ie. if it can be proven that an act of speech that incited to violence or murder actually resulted or it will definitely result in violent or murderous acts.