Analysis Q2 2024 toxic bot comments
- The dataset has over 4.25K messages (n=4,333).
- These were posted between and .
- There is a notable peak (2 × SD) on April 17, 2024 (see events).
- All messages are written in English (EN, 100%).
- The average toxicity score is 0.20, which is quite low.
- About 5 messages (0%) are very toxic, with a score > 0.8.
- All of these are written in English (EN, 100%).
- For example: “A GOOD FILTHY JEW WHAS ONE IN AUSCHWITZ NO WHERE ELSE I” (source: unknown).
- Toxicity often involves RIDICULE (15%), POLITICS, CONTEMPT and/or RELIGION.
- About 5% of messages involve THREATENING.
- About 2% of messages involve DISINFORMATION.
- The most frequent combination is POLITICS + RELIGION.
- Some common toxic keywords include: idiot, moron, filthy jew, israhell, bitch, scum, tards, 🙋♂️, new world order, and demoncrats.
These words form the top 50 keywords used by bot comments during Q2 2024
Number of toxic messages by category
Comparison between First Quarter and Second Quarter
There are quite some similarities between both quarters; In both Q1 and Q2 the toxicity scores are quite low, there is a same focus on Israel and jews and in general the scores on different categories are quite similar, as well as the words in the word clouds or the network of keywords.
However, there are also some small differences. The analysis show that the toxic bot comments focus more on politics in the second quarter than in the first quarter. Second, the amount of threats in the content has doubled between Q1 (5% of the messages) and Q2 (10% of the messages). Third, judging from the word cloud Q2 has a toxic narrative containing genocide, while Q1 contains more focus on racism. Finally, apart from a focus on Israel en jews, there is also a clear narrative of toxic bot comments on Biden and immigrants during Q1.