INACH's Annual Report 2023

In this annual report we will explain the activities conducted this year by INACH. First of all, we will describe the main events we organized: the bi-annual webinars, the Annual Conference, the Member’s Assembly and the Roundtables with social media. Then, we will give an update on our corporate outreach efforts, the online training and our contribution to the LYM project and our awareness raising efforts. It will be followed by a description of the Shadow Monitoring Exercise conducted by INACH and its members and partners since this year there was no general Monitoring Exercise and a description of the new SafeNet Project. Finally, we will present our three new members and give an overview of the activities conducted by some of our members. We hope that with this report, people interested in our work can gain a proper overview of, and a deeper, more substantial insight into the workings of INACH’s Secretariat and the Network as a whole. We hope to bring the network closer to the public, in turn helping us to bring the online in line with human rights.

Read the full report here.


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