INACH's sixth Member Webinar - Never Again Association

‘Delete racism: a voice from East-Central Europe. The experiences of the NEVER AGAIN Association in fighting online hate’

The webinar will take place on 5 June from 2pm – 3pm CEST. 

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is an independent civil society organization founded in Warsaw in 1996. It has campaigned against racism, antisemitism, and xenophobia, for peace, intercultural dialogue and human rights across the world. Since the early 2000s, ‘NEVER AGAIN’ has run the ‘Racism Delete’ campaign to combat racism and antisemitism on the Internet. The Association takes part in international projects to counteract online hate speech such as ‘Get The Trolls Out’ and ‘SafeNet’. It has actively participated in international civil society networks, including the Alliance Against Genocide (AAG), the European Network for Countering Antisemitism through Education (ENCATE), Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE), the International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH), the Global Alliance Against Digital Hate and Extremism (GADHE), and the European Network for Solidarity with Ukraine (ENSU). During the webinar we are going to share our experiences and observations on fighting online hate with a particular focus on trans-national cooperation in the field of dealing with cyber hate on the major social media platforms.

Register here. 


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